Saturday, May 19, 2007

2CA Canberra ACT 1053 QSL 2

I was fortunate to receive a second verification from 2CA Canberra this evening. Announcer Thomas McCoy sent a friendly email reply confirming the reception on the 11th May.

Part of the reply :

" ... Thanks for taking the time to write to us with such a fascinating message. We normally beam a fairly good signal up and down the East Coast of Australia during the evenings, which spans a distance of a few thousand kilometres. But to skip right across to Cape Town, at almost 11,000 kilometres away, is absolutely amazing ... I've checked our schedule and can confirm that you were definitely listening to us... Anyway, thanks again for getting in touch. And if you're ever in Canberra we'd be happy to show you our facilities ... "

My sincere thanks to Thomas and Gerry for kindly taking the time to reply and for showing an interest in a distant listener way beyond their normal coverage area !

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