AM stations from Victoria are not often heard here in Fish Hoek. Apart from 3LO on 774 kHz, 3ML on 1467 kHz is the most consistent station from Victoria to make it through during the few occasions when reception conditions permit.
Ted Guinea kindly verified my follow-up email report from 1 May (the first time I managed to hear the station) and 2 May 2006. Ted included the comment " ... We knew that 3ML had good coverage but we never expected it could be heard over 10 000 kilometres away !"
Thank you Ted for your interest and kind response !
Ted Guinea kindly verified my follow-up email report from 1 May (the first time I managed to hear the station) and 2 May 2006. Ted included the comment " ... We knew that 3ML had good coverage but we never expected it could be heard over 10 000 kilometres away !"
Thank you Ted for your interest and kind response !