Castle Rock is situated just south of Millers Point on the picturesque coastal route between Simonstown and Cape Point, approximately 45 km south-east of Cape Town. It is a short 20 minute drive from my QTH in Fish Hoek and an excellent location for early evening MW DX.
A previous visit with the Sony SRF-M37V was encouraging, so I decided to take the ultralight receiver along again. My main aim was to check out the barefoot reception with this tiny receiver. I also set up a modest 20 metre "over the shoulder" "sloper" antenna.
Despite a fair amount of static, the reception with the SRF-M37V was quite surprising ! Highlights included the barefoot reception of 1449 Maldives (10kw) over 7 152 km / 4444 miles and 1575 Mauritius (2kw) over 4 124 km / 2 562 miles. 1566 India and Korea also made it through barefoot.
Barefoot Highlights :
666 1854 REUNION Radio Reunion, St.Pierre w ann in FF by YL
720 1740 AUSTRALIA 6WF Perth with talkback
1134 1715 CHINA CNR 1 w piano mx
1323 1721 CHINA CRI in EE w "China Drive"
1323 1908 CYPRUS BBC Relay Zygi w news in EE
1359 1845 TAIWAN Family Radio Fangliao w hymns - strong
1377 1723 CHINA CNR1 Zhengzhou w anns over music bed
1413 1908 OMAN BBC Relay A'Seela w news in EE
1413 1900 MOLDOVA Voice of Russia, Grigoriopol, Kremlin bells and ann
1422 1842 MALAWI MBC Radio 1 w interview in EE
1440 1928 TANZANIA Radio One, Dar-es-Salaam w R&B mx
1449 2010 MALDIVES Voice of Maldives, Male w dramatic radio play (10kw)
1458 1817 MAYOTTE RFO, Pamandzi w interview/discussion in FF
1503 1830 IRAN R. Iran, Busherh w id
1503 1815 TAIWAN Fangliao w anns
1512 1810 SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA Jeddah in AA
1521 1810 SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA Duba in AA
1539 1810 UAE VOA R. Aap Ki Dunyaa, Al-Dhabbaya w id
1566 1725 INDIA AIR Nagpur w ragas and EE news by YL at 1730 UTC
1566 1725 KOREA HLAZ Jeju w discussion
1575 1915 MAURITIUS BBC Relay Bigara in EE w mention of an upcomming interview with a winemaker (2kw)
1575 1725 KUWAIT Radio Fada w anns
All stations received with a barefoot Sony SRF-M37V.