It was a pleasant surprise to receive WFBR Baltimore on 1300 kHz for the first time (A South African First) back on the 16th August 1985 at Pinelands.
President and General Manager Harry Shriver kindly verified my reception report with an interesting letter and included what has turned out to be the longest bumper sticker received to date!
Oriole Park at Camden Yards, the impressive baseball-only facility in downtown Baltimore, became the official home of the Orioles on April 6, 1992 (Photograph Wikimedia Commons).
Cape DX consists of loggings, verifications and audio mainly from various mediumwave radio stations around the world.
Featuring distant AM radio reception in Fish Hoek including highlights from coastal DXpeditions around South Africa.
Born in 1958 and dxing since 1972, I live in the picturesque coastal village of Fish Hoek, approximately 25 km south of Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa.
I am an established professional guitarist, composer and founder of Sound Image, a popular function band in Cape Town.
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